
There's no point in this. Said differently, this nullifies the use of promo codes. With Amazon, there are near zero analytics. You're only hope of crude tracking is to keep your promo codes private, only provided in specific email or direct mail copy, to have some sloppy guess about who's buyi...


If you've done a great job setting up your business, I believe your net profit will be something like $.60 to $1.xx per package you process and ship.


The first thing to consider is are you building this as an MVP or are you digitizing a business where you are already offering this service successfully offline. Ultimately you get what you pay for and if you go down the cost-effective route initially MVP style you will need to rebuild at a late...


This sounds like an exciting venture and a worthy cause, EdTech is a hot space right now, and rightly so. Something to consider first of all is whether you want to build an MVP or a basic prototype. If you are digitizing something which already exists, and therefore the need and model is proven...


If there is no co-pay or coinsurance assigned to a line of service, it is unlikely that the patient would be billed a co-pay or coinsurance for an out-of-network provider. However, it is important to check the patient's insurance policy and any agreements between the insurance company and the...


Finding a cofounder is tough, especially at early stage. I think the way your are approaching it make sense and I followed a similar path. Once you have developed an MVP you will have more to show both to potential cofounders, employees and investors. This will also allow you to raise some see...


What you're asking is very complex and to me 2% to 4% seems like a terrible ROI. There is a lot of information that needs to be provided to determine how to structure the deal and if it's even a good deal. Are you getting equity (a part of the ownership of the company) for your investment? If yes...


I believe that you can better learn from a real world example, this link will help you in that and you will surely gain valuable insights: Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://c...


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