
I use tier marketing strategies to attract new clients. Simply stated, I use the other members of my team to work collaborately to circulate marketing materials by simulating increased traffic and tricking the algorithms of media platforms to keep circulating the content. A giveaway may be adde...


Hi, Yes, this is something that is fairly common. Calculation: in order to calculate the % you should give, you need to understand how much is due to the designer for all their work, and how much your projected profits will be in the first 6 months/year. Then, you offer a % which should give th...


Hi, I'm happy to try and assist. Send me more details about the type of help you're looking for, about the app, the target market + the current status of the app/business, and I'll be happy to try and help. If I can give you some free advice by email I'll be happy to do so. If you'll need more ...


Hi You can offer them: 1. equity (options/shares). 2. % of future profits. 3. Find someone who doesn't have much experience and is looking to expand their portfolio. 4. Make them a co-founder? Obviously, designers in 'developing countries are cheaper. Good luck


There are a lot of different platforms to try and raise capital. You can try and borrow money from a traditional bank, or if you are in the US, the small business administration (SBA) has many programs to loan funds to small businesses. Other startups try to raise money by issuing debt or equ...


Hi, I am not sure what country your located in, but many of the western countries offer grants for startups who have something innovative. You do not have to return the grant in many cases, and they don't take equity, but there are some limitations: for example you can only use the money to pay ...


Make a list of every word that you feel is associated with what you do, or that invoke a feeling you want associated with your brand. Some of them can be things like "rocket" or "super". Make the list long and then just start stringing two of the phrases together to see which ones sound good. My ...


Silicones often create the illusion of healthy hair, while your hair is damaged and dried out. This way you don’t give your hair what it needs. If you stop using silicone, you are often suddenly confronted with the true state of your hair, and that is why many people quickly resort to silicone. ...


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