
Hi there, this question is a loaded one... Not the typical investing type question found here on Clarity - but... Since I do invest heavily, I will try to give you my two cents on the subject. I'm not a licensed advisor and this is purely conversational and by means a professional recommendation...


Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...


I'm actually in the middle of doing this exact same thing, ie, converting my in-person brand workshop into online modules. I would be happy to have an informational call and I can share what I've done so far about converting the workshop into modules and lessons with worksheets. If interested, me...


If I go by your definition, I am getting the notion that by particular worldwide company you are referring to an MNC. You must understand few important things when it comes to MNC: A MNC is a company that does business in more than one country. Transnational company produces, markets, invests an...


Hi Peter, one key pointer that I always offer my clients working in HubSpot is to remember that the platform is very flexible. This means that there are many different ways to set up your programs and accomplish your tasks. Once you remember that, it's important to establish your business rules a...


If I am one of your viewers, I'd like to find the exact same I am searching for and u provide. I highly recommend to mention every related vocab to your description, so you always on search list. Regarding titles, keep it simple and up to the content. If you provide education content, mention the...


As an engineer, believe me if you missed month without developing yourself, your career will fall dramatically. The system now is so fast and employers search for highly qualified, thus I always try to get into courses, workshops, and even exchange program where I could develop my soft skills.


That's a great offer, and I'm sure there would be businesses who would like your help. Have you established yourself as a consultant? I mean the mechanical part of setting yourself up, ie, website, business license, linkedin profile, etc. Remember that just because you are offering your service ...


Cloud funding platforms are a good way of raising funds for various causes. However, a major concern on the part of the giver may be issues around transparency regarding what the money is being used for. To address this, there should be clear communication on the part of the receiver stating and ...


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