Adding Staff Isn't a Sign Of Success, Revenue Isby Wil SchroterExpanding is exciting, but every step we make toward growth is also a liability that we need to be aware of (and prepared for).Continue
The Curse of the 37-Year-Old Founderby Wil SchroterThere comes a time in all of our lives where everything seems to be happening at once. For normal people, it's manageable, but for Founders, it's damn near deadly.Continue
7 On-Page SEO Tips That Will Help to Boost Your Search Engine Rankingsby Adam SteeleSearch engine optimization involves using certain tactics to help your website climb the search engine results pages. Here are 7 tips on how to increase your business' on-page SEO.Continue
When Our Startup Works For Everyone But Usby Wil SchroterThe effort we put into our startup is a sacrifice in all forms and shapes, to the extent of spending less time with family, neglecting our health, or even getting a pay cut just to keep the business rolling. So, what happens when things work for everyone else but not for you?Continue
Is it Worth Trying to Change People?by Wil SchroterFounders won't change people's personalities, we can only manage them. And that's where we fail over and over.Continue
Why The Last Mile Matters Mostby Wil SchroterBy the time we're teeing up to sell, we're just absolutely crushed at every possible level, but this is not the time to sit back and let things just fall into place.Continue
How We Leave is How We're Rememberedby Wil SchroterThere always comes a time when we need to part ways with people. Every bad "breakup" can seriously damage our reputation. So, what can we do then to avoid that?Continue
What Happens To My Startup After I Sell?by Wil SchroterThe moment we sell our startup — the party is over.Continue
If We Want Power, Create Powerby Wil SchroterThe best way for Founders to gain power is to create it for themselves.Continue