Ali MaadelatPresident at The Lorenz Marketing Group

FORBES-LISTED, "MARKETER OF THE YEAR"! Featured Clarity Expert! Over 90+ RAVE Reviews! No BS, no wasting time. Just solid Marketing.

Our clients grow by ~ 1400%... Consult with me and give yourself a DEADLY EDGE.

"The average client fires their marketing firm after six months, we've NEVER had a client leave us."

There is a reason for that— I know my stuff, my team knows their stuff, and our goal is not to be cute or funny, but, rather, to give our clients the largest return on their investment possible.

Here are some quick points on me:

-Forbes named me one of the "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the BS."
-2012 "Marketer of the Year" — American Business Awards.
-Featured writer for various business websites.
-President of a successful, top-tier marketing firm located in Beverly Hills.

What you do depends on your goal:

If your goal is to save $1 per minute and you don't care as much about the RETURN on your investment, go for someone "cheaper"...

If, however, your goal is to line your pockets by utilizing effective marketing and mowing down your competitors, call me.

Recent Answers

You can get that done by treating marketing like an investment, not an expense, and hiring people who know what they are doing to grow your business.

Stop trying to do everything yourself. Stand on the shoulders of giants instead.

You should start first by not asking for free legal advice in a place where anyone can answer. That's a great way to get caught in a major headache down the road.


Yes. A low quality video will make it seem like you have no authority.

Marketing is an investment, not an expense. Work to get the BEST ROI, not the CHEAPEST INITIAL PRICE.

If you are serious about this new venture and want to actually have it succeed, you will pay to have a custom design created from scratch.

An off the shelf design, modified or not, will always seem unprofessional to a prospect.

Pay once, cry once.

Plot twist: you get better marketing than they have. That's literally the only way.

It doesn't matter if your product or service is "better" or whatever.

You know who has better hamburgers than McDonald's? Pretty much every place. You know who has the better marketing? McDonald's.

It depends on what your goals are. There is no "one stop solution" for any type of marketing and, frankly, anyone who offers advice like that has no idea what they are speaking about and will hemorrhage money and profit out of your pocket.

Yes-- Facebook's main goal is to make money using their real estate. Your ad is so niche that you are going to have trouble with "cheap" ads either way.

My question is why bother with "cheap ads"?

If someone is interested in your ad and if your ad is WRITTEN WELL ENOUGH to get targeted leads, then even two dollars per click should be an INSANE ROI once you lease out that desk.

Either your offer is bad, you ad is bad, or something is going wrong.

A buck per lead to sell a desk for 12 months is insanely profitable. I would sell desks every minute of the day at those rates.

Unless you are sure the company will be successful, don't do it. Everyone and their mother has a "groundbreaking startup" nowadays. Even 50% of $0 ends up being nothing. Don't get blinded by being "CEO of a startup." Always take a step back and look at it for what it is.

If you ARE sure of the product, it really depends on what you're bringing to the table.

Yes, one great and successful app can, most definitely, make you painfully wealthy. All that matters is that you market and position it correctly.

Your age doesn't matter. Julia Child became Julia Child, as we know her, at the age of 50. FIFTY! Before that she was just a normal person.

Don't let anyone tell you that your goals and dreams are unreasonable.

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