I’m the Money-Making Brand & Business Strategist, Nicole K. Lundy and I work with small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to build a build a business that makes a BIG impact in the world and on their bottom line.
So, if you’re ready to create a fascinating brand message that attracts clients, design packages and products that sell because they clearly solve your clients problems and design a visibility plan to get your brand in front of your target audience creatively and consistently, then I would love to work with you.
Hi Kristin!
So, I take it you have your firstnamelastname.com AND firstnamemiddlename.com
You can really go either way. However, whichever way you go, it needs to be on all of your branding.
For legal stuff, contracts and etc - you will need to include your last name. So even if you use Kristina Blair everywhere, for legal stuff, you can add your last name so that it's Kristina Blair Colpitts.
Hope that helps! Let me know,