Kingsley IzimahLegal Practitioner, Lagos Nigeria.

I am a legal practitioner based in Lagos, Nigeria with core practice areas and advice clients in the following fields of law as follows:
Commercial Law Practice, Corporate Law Practice, Property/Real Estate Law Practice, Immigration Law Practice, Business Law Practice and Legal Consultancy.
Could you please enroll me as one of your expert advisory and consultant in Nigeria to assist in rendering legal advice and opinions for ease of doing business in Nigeria.

Recent Answers

You need a lawyer and financial adviser for a successful business plan as well as the regulatory policies to guide your business growth.
You can extend a call, for further clarifications.

Title is very important in property ownership, without which you will loose out-rightly.
To legally cover your investment portfolio, I would advise that you enter into a separate agreement with the borrower to the effect that the money is for acquisition of property with full details disclosed and that by virtue of such monetary investment, you own substantial stake in the property.
That way, your name will not be in the title, but by the agreement, you have covered your investment, if he agrees to sign it.
For further legal guidance, you can extend a call or email to clarify more on property ownership and acquisition.

Advert placement is key to every business growth and social media has made it even more easier lately.
For example, Coca Cola has never stopped advertising their products despite decades of being in the market. Yours won't be any different.
You can extend a call or email for further legal assistance, please.

The laws of United Arab Emirates, like every other foreign nation would require every company to register before doing business.
However, you can establish a liaison office or enter into a partnership agreement with a Dubai based IT firm who will help you in marketing, selling and building your App services to kick start and such liaison officer will conduct all your businesses like you are there and remit all funds to the parent company in your home country.
I can legally guide you further on this procedure, if you can extend a call to me.

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