Ed GagnonPresident at Customer Service Solutions, Inc.

Entrepreneur, Founder of CSS, Inc. - CX and Client Retention/Growth Consultancy. 20+ Years Helping Clients Think Strategically and Grow with Existing Clients

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Great question! I've been working with organizations for the past 15+ years on getting everyone on the same page going the same direction - i.e., creating a healthy, high performing culture. Here are some ideas...look at a few key items - Vision, Leadership, and Motivators. Ensure there is a common, well-articulated, and easily understood Vision - it's hard to create focus without something on which you can focus. Make sure leadership is focused, encourages creativity, fosters cross-divisional collaboration, and is a little more planning-oriented such that the company can be agile without being impulsive. Finally, with motivators, look at your rewards/recognition and accountability measures to ensure they drive behaviors consistent with the vision, creativity, and collaboration. Feel free to schedule a call if you'd like to talk more specifically about the situation, the issues, and targeted/effective solutions.

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