Jamie McGloinInvestment Attraction Officer: Govt of NB Canada

After selling my interests in my companies, I wanted to find something that I am passionate about and could provide advantage to Corporations. Working for Gov't never interested me - until now !
I was told to find what I am passionate about and try to get paid for it.

That is selling the advantage of setting up business in my home Province, my Country.

I work for INVEST NB (Invest New Brunswick). Contacting me costs you absolutely nothing. In fact, if you have a growing and/or maturing company with a solid financial history - maybe we can help you. Our mandate is:

• Promoting New Brunswick as an attractive location for business investment
• Identifying and pursuing opportunities for strategic and commercially viable investment
• Negotiating and providing financial assistance when required and as appropriate to secure investments
• Managing portfolios of investments

Call me to find out more !

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The best vitamin on the market is NOT a vitamin. It is your own self control to make better choices in what you eat daily and how you fuel your engine. You have to take the time to research a bit. You don't just go and buy a car or house without doing a little bit of due diligence now do you? All of the vitamins you require are at your local market/grocery store. You just have to figure out which is which and how to balance them.

After a divorce 9 years ago (with shared custody of 2 young kids) & deciding to quit my job to join the ranks of entrepreneurs - I let myself go quite a bit while playing the 'I'm too busy' card. Only after about 5 years did I discover what worked for me. Surrounding yourself with like minds certainly helps - but the catalyst has to be yourself. I made the commitment to exercise 3x per week and look hard at what crap I was putting in my body. That was a start.

In the past year - I have had major lower back neurosurgery, joined Crossfit with my wife and eat cleaner (and much better tasting food) than ever in my life. I'm 45, lost 30 pounds and can hold my own cardio/ strength/ endurance with most 25 year olds. (And still enjoy some cold pints when I want !)

So - it's YOU that has to make the call. If my lazy ass can go through what I have and feel this great about everything in life - YOU can as well.

Vitamins - only a very small tool that will allow you to drop a grand a year - but maybe no benefit if you don't complete the package.

Managing some 'TOUGH SHIT' in your life/work ? Maybe I can help.....I've seen almost all of it the past few years and have come out pretty unscathed !

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