David CatapanoEntrepreneur: Elite Performance-Mental Toughness

Well-known influencer, mentor and Business Consultant in the Startup PR/Entrepreneur space
· Syndicated Blogger with a reach of over 1.1 million readers
· Sought-after keynote & workshop speaker
· Media guest, clocking over 2000 TV, radio, and podcast appearances.

✅ WHAT I DO: As the founder of Bull Rush Media ( BullRushMedia.com, I turn entrepreneurs into influencers, thought leaders and authority experts so they can achieve:

· More sales & revenue
· Industry Respect
· Bigger speaking fees
· Profitable partnerships with influencers.

✅ HOW IT WORKS: BullRushMedia.com is a platform that builds better creative, media, influencer marketing, sales copy & anything and everything that moves people. We provide tools, coaching scripts & PR hacks for entrepreneurs to dramatically increase their sales all at a fraction of the cost of traditional PR services. A full service digital media agency built in real time with literally
1000s served. Many start with our Media Influencer Makeover - explained on our free webinar....


· Established entrepreneurs
· Startups - generally 2-50 employees.
· Agency partners
· Brands who want influencers to promote them

 BullRushMedia.com | MVPBusinessAdvisors.com

Recent Answers

Coming from a football coaching background, mental toughness and fortitude are kind of my things. Overcoming these mental obstacles are the keys to success and out weigh the importance of physical attributes. Negative beliefs, self-labels, and irrational thoughts can overwhelm athletes often before the competition even begins.
By the time the competition starts, lack of confidence is already a foregone conclusion.

I can not recommend anyone else for this, because i'm the guy. If you want to get started on the road to mental clarity and the right attitude to perform. Call me and get started ASAP.

Personally, I am not an either or type of guy. The answer is both. The main difference? Marketing is focused on promoting and selling a specific products or services, and PR is focused on maintaining a positive reputation for a company as a whole. They go hand in hand. One really isn't better than the other, You need a solid plan that incorporates both. I help people with this every day. Good Luck, I'm here if you need me.

MemberPress is the easiest to use but its not free and has its limitations. But 'Paid Member Subscriptions' is a nice little plug in and you can start with a free trial to see if you like it and play with the features. Personally I think Wild Apricot is the best option, its cost effective and has most of the feature you will ever need. Its not a plug in though, its a stand alone butttt it incorporates very nicely with word press. Hope this helps.

Delaware and Nevada get all the Hype but Wyoming and Kentucky are also good options.

Kentucky has no Annual Fee, Limited Liability Protections (individuals can not be sued if the business is), protection of personal assets, Do not need a Registered agent, remote businesses are allowed. (i only touched on Kentucky because most people know about the other 3.

Of course, there are a lot of consultants in that niche so you have to make yourself stand out. It definitely has a great market. Everyone wants to be more productive and manage their time better. If you can show people how to do that and simplify it for them there is plenty of money to be made. This is one of the better sites for building such a business. Linkedin Sales Navigator is also an awesome tool for this.

A client asked me to solve this same problem recently. We tried many things. Landing pages with facebook ads was somewhat successful. The most successful method was reaching out to businesses that help people incorporate and commercial real estate agents. We offered them services and commission in exchange for hot leads

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