District Manager for high-volume restaurant in South Carolina. I've been in the restaurant industry for 21 years.
Web programmer with extensive knowledge in:
Project Management
Startup Impediments
Web APIs
Restaurant Back Office Systems
Web Development
Creating MVP products
Avid reader of Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, Marginal Revolution blog, & Tim Ferriss
I can help you by providing you feedback on your best practices & ideas. I'd love to speak to you about improving staffing levels, retention, profitability, systems and best practices to help you get unstuck with running your organization.
Another important area to consider, especially when you have an idea without any users would be, letters of intent.
While these letters of intent don't truly have a value it puts a measurable, trackable list of people that are willing to adopt your product, which may not be released and will softly commit to adopting to your service prior to you having it available.
While it's just a soft commitment it speaks louder than not having any paying customers on board.
For a pitch when speaking with investor and having letters of intent it gives more leverage.
Look into it and see how letters of intent to use your product is a great springboard when you may have no active users at the current time.