Glory BilalliCommercial Finance - Expert Packager

The picture you present to your banker/investor makes all the difference between a denial, and an approval - you can never make a 1st impression twice!

I can walk you through the process of being able to submit a package that you'll be proud of - and the recipient impressed! All calls will be followed up with a comprehensive list of what your individual package should include, based on your particular deal as revealed during our conversation. Please be sure to check out my LinkedIn profile, so that you can feel confident in my ability to provide you with a much needed value that will save you hours of time - and may even make all the difference to your ultimate success. Thanks!

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Hello - I would be happy to help you with that, I write contracts that stand-up and can PROVE it (with court documents) on a 7 figure case in which I was the Plaintiff there to defend my contract defended by a licensed attorney who took my case on contingency AND paid the filing fee's!

I offer decades of my own experience...
However, I am not an attorney - but have always had a necessity for them and an enjoyment reading/writing contracts!

Please feel free to contact me, if you feel I may be of assistance.

A promissory note is not the proper vehicle to use for what you're proposing - and a 20x return is HUGE....way too much!

You'd be amazed at how many times you don't actually need "money" but rather ingenuity to start a business, and also there are a number of grants available from various sources and/or bartering opportunities that can be structured with existing business's for what you need.

I'd be happy to help you explore options - please feel free to call upon me. I've started many businesses of my own over the last four decades, and spent many years assisting others after that - when I was in commercial lending.

It sounds to me like you've got the desire, and you've put some time in - quantifying that is necessary so that you appear to have some skin in the game may prove very useful to you as it will likely improve your chances of persuasion.

The picture you present to your banker/investor makes all the difference between a denial, and an approval - and you can never make a 1st impression twice!

I can walk you through the process of being able to submit a package that you'll be proud of - and the recipient impressed! All calls will be followed up with a comprehensive list of what your individual package should include, based on your particular deal as revealed during our conversation. Please be sure to check out my LinkedIn profile, so that you can feel confident in my ability to provide you with a much needed value that will save you hours of time - and may even make all the difference to your ultimate success. And, then lets schedule a call!

I personally wouldn't advise it - simply from a liability point of view, it seems to me you are defeating the whole point of forming an entity. Furthermore, depending on the products - you may be able to offset taxes using multiple entities...if you're clever.

All my life, I was always considered a "token female" in what had been traditionally a business mainly occupied only by men. International lending was no exception.
I have also found men to be much more willing to venture out into their own business's, with more of an entrepreneurial spirit - than most women.
Therefore, it stands to reason that there would be less women here at Clarity where people share their experience.

I would suggest that there are several factors that you must take into consideration to achieve this goal, such as
1) You need to provide a comprehensive loan request which consists of a full package, along with financials with explanations and a solid make-sense plan showing exactly how this capital injection will benefit your company - to assure any investor that they can reasonably expect they will be paid back.
2) Your anticipated time frame for the return of this desired loan is enough to send off red flags to anyone.
3) You absolutely do not have to offer up any equity, provided you can offer a realistic guarantee.

Its difficult to offer you any detailed advice, based on the limited information that you've provided thus far.
Please feel free to contact me, and we can spend a few minutes to determine your best course of action.

Rather than using a shot-gun approach which could quickly back-fire on you - because "its a small world", I would qualify them and determine the odds of your deal obtaining approval at terms which would be acceptable to you. Typically, providing an executive summary should give them enough information to gauge whether you'd bet a fit - or not.

Additionally, there are many pretender-lenders who are simply brokers promising the world in exchange for upfront fees - who promise you the world with no possibility of ever delivering.
A well presented package with all of the pertinent information will save you countless hours and many headaches, while insuring your loan request the best chance of approval in the shortest amount of time.
There are many pitfalls in the complicated field of commercial financing. Working with a seasoned professional can make all the difference between achieving your goals, or not.
Please feel free to give me a call, and we can discuss your particular scenario to make sure you're on the right path!

Depending on your particular scenario, you may be eligible for SBA7a, or 504 - with only 10% down. Many times you can also get 1/2 of that back at the closing table.
There may also be other options, available as well.
I can help you structure your deal, and also assist you with creating a financing request likely to be approved. You must always have some of "your own skin" in the game, as the days of "100% financing" are long gone.
There are a variety of ways of acquiring your down payment, though - depending on how creative one can get!
Then, of course - you need to know how to "season it" so that it will be acceptable. Commercial financing has many variables to it - and every deal is different. It takes years of experience to acquire the knowledge needed to employ the many various options available, and to know which would be best for any particular deal.
The ultimate in every scenario is to achieve a win/win for all involved.

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