Anshul DhawanVP Product & Growth

Anshul Dhawan is the VP Product and Growth @ Supernatural - A virtual Reality fitness company.

Before that he was a Senior Director of Product Management and Business Intelligence at Glu Mobile that was acquired by Electronic Arts for $2.4B

Prior to that he spent 8 years at Zynga working on Poker, Words with Friends, Slots, and Analytics.

He was the head of product on the growth team at Zynga. He led a team of product managers to understand the landscape of new emerging social gaming platforms. He spearheaded the launch of Words with Friends on Facebook Messenger and Apple's iMessage as the first games on the platform.

Recent Answers

Depending on how much time you have there are two main ways:
1. Have 30 min call with parents and ask them specific questions plus any follow-up questions. [ You will get fewer responses but might get other extra useful information ]
2. Create a detailed survey with questions you would like to get answered. [ You will get more responses to the questions you ask ]

You should try to get a list of parents from your network ( on social media, previous school groups, previous work mates.

There are other options which will require a budget. Happy to answer more questions on a call after understanding your business better.

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