
I'm implementing GitHub at my company and need to explain Git to my project managers that will be touching the websites all the time and to some programmers that have been using SVN for a long time. How would you explain it (with a metaphor, flow, use case) how Git works, why we should use it and why it's better than SVN? You can send links to books, videos, etc. But not the "googleable ones" that I already did ;)

Git is the latest and coolest software, and SVN is the outdated old one. When you tell SVN that you want to create a new branch of your code to have some fun, it creates a heavy weight dumb carbon copy for you. But Git is intelligent, it won't create a new copy for you instead it will only keep track of the things you're adding/removing/changing with respect to the original sources.
I hope I made the point, for more let's have a telephone call some time :)

Answered 11 years ago

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