Fortunately, I have thought-leadership credibility in my niche. I've written for trade publications and been a speaker/panelist at conferences. The strategy I am leaning toward is to begin researching for a series of articles and conference presentation on a topic very hot on the mind of my niche (and 100 targeted prospects). In preparation, I could reach out individually to these prospects for their input on the article/presentation topic. That way I get excellent input and these decision-makers will also become familiar with me (and most likely view my website out of curiosity). Your thoughts on this approach or any other suggestions would be appreciated.
You've answered your own question. Reach out to your prospects with the question, such as "How would you...". Ask what people want then give it to them if you can with integrity and thoughtfulness.
Answered 11 years ago
That is a great approach. By asking for their collaboration, you are establishing yourself as a peer and not a salesperson.
If you contact them, pose a question or two to frame the conversation and ask them for a quote to be included in your research publication/book/presentation/etc.
Gary Vaynerchuk talks extensively about woo-ing customers in his book, "The Thank You Economy". He shares examples of sending non-branded goods (a sports jersey, in one example) to new customers, just for being a customer. In your situation, replace 'customer' with 'prospect'; gather intelligence about their likes or dislikes and use this to break the ice with them.
I'm sure if a valuable trinket from their favorite sports team arrived with a handwritten note on their desk, you would have their attention.
Good luck, let me know how it goes.
Answered 11 years ago
There are several ways: try being a volunteer key speaker at a trade conference. I, for example, will be doing a presentation at a Marcus Evens conference. They're waving my fees and covering my flight, but I still cover the hotel and food...but there's 50 top and upper executives in front of me for me to show off to.
Try a webanier...that may be a mixed audience but if its good and you're doing a series, word of mouth will spread.
Get on a radio show.
The idea of the articles is not bad, use the other platforms to meet and then personally solicit help directly, while still at the conference. There is always a meet and great time.
Answered 11 years ago
If those 100 decision-makers are in your local area, then a good option is to volunteer for charities, so you can make yourself known to them in a non-selling manner.
Answered 11 years ago
Write a really good article about their interests. Or if you don't want to write the article, find one and pass it along to the prospects. Say something like, Hi Bill, I know you like....or are interested in.... and so I wanted to share the article with you.
By the way......pitch softly.
Don't stop taking massive action.
Best of Luck,
Michael T. Irvin
My books are available exclusively through Amazon Books. Check out my book "Copywriting Blackbook of Secrets"
Copywriting, Startups, Internet Entrepreneur, Online Marketing, Making Money
Answered 11 years ago
If you know the audience well, get to their top 3 problems. Once you know this, relate yourself or your company to these.
People find interest only when you relate to them or their problems. It doesn't matter if you have the perfect solution or not, but they give you the attention that you needed. At the same time, don't boast about your achievement, because that again puts people off. How does it matter to the audience If you won the best company of the year! Its good for you, not them.
Start with a story as they have more power to drive things, because "Facts Tell, Stories Sell."
Answered 9 years ago
Many valid and insightful suggestions already.
Your requirement is "How to address them"
The simplest formula is this:
a. What is your target audience or who is this (can you group them)
b. Which problem of theirs do you solve? (or your product solves)
c. Add an active verb of the action
Example: An attorney who focusses on Divorce
a. Couple having marital problems
b. Looking for a speedy and freedom with no headache
Intro: I help unhappy couple settle amicably in shortest span of time
Intro of a Printer focusing on Small businesses:
I help small businesses sell more through my creative and cost effective printing materials
Some more tips:
a. Get to know their problems and focus on the top 3 problems
Can you create a "Do it yourself" material and help them solve these problems?
It can be distributed as a free download on your website
Or a Free Counselling could even help
If your work started yielding results then create stories of success---
Stories that is embedded with Testimonials
How did it help them --so to say
We can have a free ten minutes of call if required
All the best
Business Growth specialist
Chartered Marketer UK
Answered 6 years ago
I have read the answers here and all of them are correct. I just would like to add some ideas. Create your own seminar. Education-Based Marketing will help you introduce yourself without selling. Educate, inform the audience on a hot topic in your niche. Subtly, you can share information that would lead to somehow introduce your product. Its a teaser. Online marketers do this, and to do it offline is through EBM.
Answered 5 years ago
Throughout our lifetime, we introduce ourselves to hundreds of new people everywhere we go. Whether it is a formal meeting or a more laid-back meet up, introductions are sometimes tricky. Especially if you want to make a good first impression either way. Here are a few creative ways to show someone who you are within the first precious moments of meeting them.
1. “I’m shy, please come say hi.”: Grab a name tag and write, “I’m shy, please come say hi” in the blank space.
2. A name is worth a thousand conversations: Do you have a name that is unique, or a name that can be spelled 10 different ways? It is okay to spell it out, tell of its origin or give a short but sweet lesson in pronunciation.
3. Highlight something that makes you unique: “I grew up in New York, but I’m originally from Russia.” That is quite an icebreaker! It gives you both something to talk about, something they are at least mildly intrigued by.
4. Start with a pop culture reference: Relate your name back to a character or figure everyone knows. “Hey, my name’s Ross. You know, like the guy from FRIENDS.”
5. Confess your nickname: If you want to be called something other than your name, follow up with that. They just might respond with, “Oh, I have a cousin who goes by that.”
6. Let the way you dress reflect who you are: Dressing style reflects individuality. For example, I know a Chinese girl who deliberately dresses in green to match with her Chinese name “happy to be natural.” Everyone can thus instantly remember her. Hence, the way you dress can become a topic of conversation and help others remember you.
7. Make a T-shirt: On the front: “On the back of this shirt is everything you need to know about me.” The rest is self-explanatory.
8. Make a “business” card: Keep something with you to give away to new people you meet. Instead of your name and contact information, list random facts about yourself, your interests, your hobbies. If nothing else, you will be the most memorable person in the room for taking something old and boring and giving it new life.
9. Just start talking: It is likely the person you are introducing yourself to feels a little nervous and awkward as well. Dare to dive right into conversation and see where it goes. They might feel relieved you talked first and relax immediately.
10. Keep it relevant: Pay attention to your surroundings. There is likely something happening around you that you can use to strike up a conversation without just walking up to a stranger with your hand outstretched for an unsolicited handshake.
11. Be honest: “I came up to you because I felt awkward just standing here not talking to anyone.” Chances are, they were feeling the same way before you approached them.
12. Search for common ground: Do a little digging while you are saying hello. Small talk is only awkward until the two of you find something in common. “I’m studying English, I really love reading classics.” You never know, they might too.
13. Always follow up with a question: Let them know you are interested in getting to know them, too. You do not want to come off as only wanting to talk about yourself.
14. Consider the situation: Draw from the reason you are both in a specific place at the same time. Are you students? Working with the same company? Friends of friends? These are great conversation-starters.
15. Put someone else on the spot: Starting off with a compliment or a question allows you to initiate conversation and introduce yourself without being the first one to stand beneath the spotlight. It also shows you are observant and curious.
16. Pick something in the room to “guard”: “Don’t mind me, I’m just guarding the mozzarella sticks. You can have one if you want.”
17. The mutual friend is the key: “I’ve known Jeremy since college, we took a lot of classes together.” This at least gives you an outlet to talk about yourself relative to someone else the other person knows from somewhere else. It makes you seem more familiar to them, and vice versa.
18. Engage with your surroundings: Even if it is only paying attention to something on T.V., what you are doing can give someone a decent introduction to who you are and what interests you.
19. Help someone out: There is more than one reason why keeping your phone in your pocket is a good idea. Someone approaching might need help opening a door or carrying something, and by assisting, you are automatically introducing yourself as a Good Samaritan, instead of just another person playing Candy Crush.
20. Smile: Your face, particularly your eyes and your expression, is the first thing someone sees when they notice you for the first time. Give off an aura of happiness even if you are uncomfortable. It draws people in.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:
Answered 4 years ago
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