
You just don't care about what other people think, maybe some of you may comfortably sit on a high position in corporate company, some of you may working aggressively to earn much money. Probably one day, you woke up in the morning, something happen, you said to yourself this is the day i'm going to start my business. Tell me what was running in your head when you decided to start a business?

I will give you two stories (both mine).

It was 1999 and I was 15 years old. My mom's friend ask me to deliver some christmas cards. The reason was that there was a monopoly of mail delivery in my country and it was so expensive that it was worth it to pay a young kid to do it. I did it for her and then for another, then another, and again. I realized that the monopoly actually created an opportunity. It just shocked me how happy people were to actually pay half the price and don't have to deal with a government office!

I reached out to the dad of one of my friends and ask him if I could deliver his flyers (he had an insurance company). Half the price. Short story, I hired 20 of my friends and we build a company around it.

Second story.
I was a partner in a consulting firm and I was making good money. Like really good. But I was always fighting with my partners because we had a different long term vision. I woke up one day and say "this is it, I'm done". I realized I didn't want to go to work anymore no matter how much money I did. I figured out that I would find something else to do.

If you want to know more in detail please give me a call. Some of this moments are very personal. I would like to share them but not that openly with everyone :)

Answered 10 years ago

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