
Results for: Accounting

As a Limited Company, you have the option to defer the tax on a van you've purchased by capitalizing the cost of the van and treating it as an asset on your company's balance sheet. This means that the cost of the van will be spread out over several years through annual depreciation expenses, rat...


I struggled when i first made my account but found out if i used a hashtag that i created or tagged a brand/logo or the area in the photo that would draw more people into wanting to follow my account try not to put to much hashtags though because then it looks like your trying to hard, pre-mote ...


Hi, my name is Kruno, I was senior software Architect on a couple of projects all around the world. For what I got from your video it is obvious that it will be some kind of client-server architecture. My suggestion for the client side is Spring Boot + MongoDB + AngularJS (for building admin pan...


I've taken a quick look at your site and am happy to talk to you. Take a look at my reviews here on Clarity. Product advice is an area I provide a lot of help to Clarity members about.


Depending on average transaction size, number of transactions and the potential risks you are taking on (i.e what are you responsible for if your friends product or service isn't delivered on?). Anywhere from 2-20% could work depending on the above. As for accounting, I would recommend keeping ...

Continue is the best thing that you can integrate with this app which suits your requirement. If you are the owner of the app, you can integrate it very quickly. If not, you can suggest the app owner to do it Feel free to call me if you need more clarification. I am consulting...


Doesnt matter for Federal Income Taxes, Only State Income Taxes. You will have to report the income in the State where you generate the income and reside. So report the income in California. But, If you do conduct business in Montana then you would have to complete a Non-Resident Tax Return.


Social media, at times, could get tricky to understand. That's where you need an expert advisor to help you leverage social media, making most out of time and capital investment. Even tagged as social, no two social media platforms are same and likewise varies their usage for specific business ob...


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