Hi, if you need to uncover new interests, you might find Facebook Graph Search useful (you need to have your Facebook language set as English US before anything else). Start typing this phrase into your Facebook search bar: "Pages liked by people who like XYZ" - this will open a list of the m...
It depends on the economics of your revenue model but as a general rule, $3.00 is the high point and $1.00 - $1.50 is the target range.
The first thing you should do (if not done already) is analyze your current traffic. You have to make sure a good percentage of your visitors are actually sticking around to either watch the video or at least enough to look at your other content. If this is not the case, then improving targeting...
You can try setting up a ACE (adwords campaign experiment) where you take your 'tried and true' exact/phrase match terms and then triple the bid. See what happens to your ROI. https://support.google.com/adwords/editor/answer/1399246?hl=en Honestly though, if the campaigns were running well and...
Hi Roger, You can set the process for running Facebook campaigns for many clients. There are few tools available which can be helpful to auto schedule your campaigns.
amazing question. Relevant to me right as I look for a developer myself. There are not a lot of people looking for app developers, so ads would have been the last thing I would have suggested. An easily scalable business model is to hire local sales contractors to find and funnel leads thems...
For four years, I was the marketing manager at Axial, a two sided marketplace that matches investors with companies looking to sell their businesses. We figured out the chicken and egg problem, then figured out how to market and sell each side in a way that scaled. When you think about building...
You need to look at your KPI's. If your acquisition strategy can afford referrals, implement that, and ask your cleaners to spread the word (after they complete a clean) and reward them.
I bumped into similar problem a few months ago with a Shopify store, where sales reported were inflated. My suggestion is to start by installing "Pixel Helper" Chrome extension, then run the extension on your website (your www.XXX.com page, not on your Kajabi account). Usually this Pixel Helper e...
Of course and have in the past.. With FB's Open graph search you can laser target buyers and weed out tire kickers.. This is a no brainer :)