I'd recommend doing it yourself using techniques commonly referred to as 'growth hacking'. There are a lot of resources on the web to learn, but here is a very thorough and cheap intro: https://www.udemy.com/growth-hacking-masterclass-become-a-digital-marketing-ninja/learn/v4/overview (Sometim...
I don't think your product price supports TV advertising. In the marketplace I'm in, TV advertising is relatively inexpensive. A couple tech friends and I ran a show for three seasons and conversion was not easy for us. I'm not saying that means it will automatically be difficult for you...just ...
1. Would be great if you can tell us more about your audience. 2. Do you have data sets available about your users. Age, gender, income, etc because if you don't have that then don't expect to get paid top dollars. 3. I don't think you need to build anything at all. Instead of using an Ad netwo...
In almost any business your first clients will come from the network of people you know. Be bold in letting everyone who knows you know what you are up to and why you are good at it . Once you have your first few under your belt you will have a better sense of what makes you unique and spatial. ...
Get this book: http://www.amazon.com/Selling-Local-Advertising-Insider-Secrets-ebook/dp/B00B5KPMRA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433335127&sr=8-1&keywords=advertising+claude+whitacre (not an affiliate link) I'm a sales trainer, but Claude has put everything together in this book already so why reinv...
I would invest in Instagram advertising. Your target market uses Instagram heavily, so this will be an effective use of advertising dollars. Any kind of social media advertising will get you exposure with these age groups. You might set up a twitter account if you haven't already. You can promot...
I use ad monetization tactics to drive revenue for global mobile game brands. (Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Scattergories, etc.) Finding a way to monetize your users with ads without pushing them away is definitely a delicate balance. Answering your questions depends on 4 main factors: 1) Type of App 2) N...
Can you explain a bit more about what you are doing? There are a number of established ad servers, but I am unclear on how you are going to work with them to provide a service that is not already provided.
The answer to this question is surprisingly pretty simple and it depends on who your target group is. If it is a subgroup of your competitors' users, then do engage where they already talk about your competitors. If your target group is people who don't use the product yet, then go where those pe...
Hey there. I've been transitioning my career to mobile for years now, and have been shifting my areas of expertise to account for the consumer shift in their use of smartphones. Most consumers now check email on a smart phone. A growing percent of inline traffic is happening on a smart phone. Th...