
Results for: Algorithms

Since the 'follow' link was so abused by spammers for ranking purposes, Google has really increased pressure on sites that have excessive 'follow' links. The 'nofollow' is still a great marketing tool. You should still be commenting, sharing your links, and getting your name/brand out there for ...


Cryptography: Look up the RSA encryption algorithm, it's used all over the place to protect financial transactions, etc.


Those updates are great because it made white hat SEO guys focus on what we know it always worked in the long term and elimiated the competition that tried to get in front with fast black hat tactiques.


Hi , I think I can help you in Metatrader , If I have more Info about requirements for your strategy , From your question if I understand right you based on some entry signal you want to build multiple entry positions with different lots size till exposition of a trend and gradually close (exit) ...


I can answer generally because I'm not sure which NLP algorithms you are analyzing (metadata, etc). First, you must identify the target audience for your possible new offering. You may already have this. If you do, then the best way to find out what the market wants is simply to ask. Unless I...


Probably not. Most carousels these days are javascript-driven. Therefore the source code for those products exists on the page (and is therefore easily viewed by Google et al). The javascript moves items around the *screen* but it does not modify the *source.* And it's the source code that matte...


Sounds wonderful. Well done. In order to find commercial viability (or a business model), it would be best to try answer the following question: which 'pain' / problem does your solution solve for people (or can solve for them with certain changes). For example: if there is a known problem/pain ...


I don't know any specifics about how these companies do things, but this part of what they do doesn't seem like it'd be especially hard. The various music service APIs provide ways to search their libraries for a string so you could do a reasonable first stab that way. Youtube's API provides th...


One option is to allow sorting on different facets, and default to one that levels the playing field a bit. For example, instead of showing the tutors with the highest ratings, perhaps you could show the tutors with the highest ratings in the last 14 days (average of the last 14 days' reviews on...


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