Inbound marketing is currently the greatest ROI method of generating demand for your offering. This really boils down to putting out high authority content through Search and Social channels so you can start to engage with prospects and steer them inwards to your automation system. From there ...
Using their logo implies that they are truly partners / customers of yours. Is this the case? It not, it is grossly misleading. Otherwise, I would check with them, out of courtesy. They may not want their competitors knowing what software services they use. I don't believe you are legally obli...
Few suggestions: - When you say your customers like your product, how do you know that. - I would recommend asking customers specific questions that correspond to the strengths and features of your product, e.g. 'Are you concerned with your on-premise costs of HW maintenance ?' while you're addr...
It sounds like you are going after high value targets who have layers and layers of insulation between your company and decision makers. If it were me, I would find someone either on here or on Linkedin who have existing relationships in your core industries and work out compensation deals with t...
Start with which allows you to start with very good list, as they mail massively every day. And a postcard sequence can quickly churn out (butter churn causing cream to rise) the "cream" of every list which will produce your highest profits. These guys manage intersect...
A better question to ask in my polite opinion is what offer you make that cannot be refused, to paraphrase Godfather, and to whom. You have to analyze your competition and your business deeply. Then define what is the intersection of a large market, great proposition, ability to service, and uniq...
1) First, selling something doesn't always have to be through testimonials or referrals. If your product -here commercial office space - makes sense, then, people will be interested. When I started my marketing agency, the first client I acquired was a big LED supplier in China and I did it by: a...
This is hard to answer without knowing the size of company you are targeting...
I've done a lot of customer development in this market. Here's what's worked for me well. Find your potential customer (actual decision maker) on Linkedin. Send them a "friend" connection request with something like: "I acknowledge we don't know each other yet but I am the Founder of a new co...
It's a difficult one to answer because Hubspot is a continuously evolving platform. What isn't working so well today will be great tomorrow. The speed at which they are developing is mind blowing. I've been watching this now for 1.5 years and it's pretty amazing. They're doing some pretty cool s...