
Results for: Blogger

Paying bloggers for direct advertisements is a bit of a grey area. It's grey because loads of brands are doing it, but it's such a difficult thing for advertising regulators to monitor. Check out this guide so you're aware of the guidelines and risks:


I say to pitch the idea or 'outline' first. Have someone (on the payroll) responsible for sourcing opportunities, then ask your bloggers to pitch ideas. (For consistency's sake - consider bringing them together at a daily or weekly meeting?) From there, pitch the ideas to the brands or agencies ...


This really depends on the industry you are in. Is it not possible for you to do both? Building your personal brand and also establishing your website at the same time? The best example I can think of here is how Gary Vaynerchuk started Wine Library TV, but leveraged his own personality which ...


Hello, Congrats on launching your venture. First things first, what is your website about, and why should those different bloggers and journalists care? If you can answer this question (your elevator pitch), then you'll be off to a good start. Secondly, you'll need to determine to whom you ...


Are you looking to blast an entire email list of, let's say, tech writers with a pitch? Or are you looking to get on a particular website like GeekWire or TechCrunch? Look up associations related to your targeted niche, you'll find all sorts of writers who are interested. Your question is rathe...


Hello! First, you're going to have to spend some time researching your targets. You can go for the typical outlets that feature startups, but I think you'll find great traction if you start researching bloggers that are in the healthy food space. I would also spend some time researching who has...


Hi! I find that taking the same topics and just tweaking them slightly for a very specific demographic is helpful. So, ways to update your kitchen + millennials = a nifty piece on the trends millennials are looking for in a customized article just for them. Ways to repurpose barn wood + living in...


Are some of your friends online marketing experts? Do they study the trends and understand the dynamics of content creation? I am guessing your friends read a ton of fashion blogs, they just don't know it. The short version of the advice would be: use your WordPress blog as the hub of your enti...


Your question, "What is the best Wordpress theme for my blog" is nearly impossible to answer. There are an incredible number of factors that go into website design to influence conversion, sales, and user experience. A theme out of the box probably isn't the "right" answer for long-term success,...


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