Don't worry about Google Page Rank. It's already been declared dead ( Instead you should figure out how to get high quality and editoral links - which is the essence of page rank.
Yes, duplicate content is a big issue. Search engines consider it a form of spam and will penalize your sites in terms of ranking, which diminishes your traffic and can be difficult to recover from. Content is naturally duplicated when shared by people who refer to and comment upon one another....
Social media is a good way to spread the word, but first you need to make sure you're delivering solid content and that search engines see you as an authority. The majority of new traffic to a site comes from Google and Bing. Sign up for Google Webmaster and from there you'll be able to see if yo...
Why does 1 object sink while a nearly identical object – just a fraction of an ounce lighter – floats effortlessly to the top? Because there's a critical threshold above which you're expanding and below which you're losing ground. There needn't be any qualitative difference between the 2 outcom...
I love what Lee said about being yourself but staying on message. And Ali was right: choose your goals then plan backward from them. Twitter is a tree: the more your water, fertilize, and prune it, the stronger it will be. Here are a few quick tips: · Actively prune inactive and spam accounts...
Paying bloggers for direct advertisements is a bit of a grey area. It's grey because loads of brands are doing it, but it's such a difficult thing for advertising regulators to monitor. Check out this guide so you're aware of the guidelines and risks:
Hi, First of all, based on the informative manner in which you phrased your question, you seem very intelligent and business/internet savvy - so either way, I'm sure you'll do great. Answer: I would go for both. Why? Because they are not exclusive to each other. Some people will just want to re...
If you're asking about how to *start* spreading the word, my fear for you is that you haven't done sufficient customer development to validate the need for your app and inform your core product thesis. Failure to do so will almost always end-up in product failure. If this is the case, you might...
Send me the web link and I will take a quick look. Best of Luck, Mike From the Trenches to the Towers Marketing
Beauty isn't my field -- not the cosmetic / fashion variety, anyway. But I see companies from other industries eager to pay bloggers for advertorials. So I assume that the same demand exists in the industry you're examining. I'd also imagine that such a database would make the process of conne...