
Results for: Charity

Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual com...


A unique review is a review of a product or service that has never been done before. The advantage of doing this is that you will be the first to write about your experience and the first to review it, thereby increasing your visibility in search engines. This will help you increase traffic to y...


It needs some basic revision to eliminate errors. For starters, the tag line "Changing the way how online businesses perform..." ought to be either "the way" or "how" – not both. Even so, that's a bit vague. Rather than hire an editor, hire a writer. I'm not cheap, but I'd do it for you if y...


Hello, I see that this question was posted 2 months ago-- are you still seeking an answer to it?


I would hurl myself toward getting the following working first: * User signup (default to user) * Profile setup (photo, etc). * Add Stripe information * Make it easy to share the link to my profile * Enable Expert-mode, to answer phone calls * Enable Twilio for calls * Set Hourly-rate for calls ...


What a great question / thanks for asking. Here's how some of the top experts are getting more calls. 1. Link Clarity on Social Profiles ( <- click to get your link) - Obvious: Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook - Others: Email Signature, Blog Widget


Clarity is a great platform for people to connect with Experts. If you feel that you'd be able to offer expert opinion, or can add valuable insight to someone seeking information, become an expert here.


Hi! For starters I don't think clarity was meant really as a C2C (customer to customer) consulting platform. I'm pretty sure it was meant to be only for experts in a topic to provide expert advice to non experts. Now we have a ton of non experts providing their opinions. Some are great while som...


We human beings like to be different, create our own USP, want to be our self best and unique but we forget that we are actually the opposite! We are a lot similar than different from each other. In my counselling and coaching services I encourage my caller to open up, share their problems which ...


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