To build an online community you need to show your expertise and leadership in the subject. You can start by blogging content in the subject and start attracting interested people in the subject. It is a rule that the number of people that reads is 3 to 5 times the number of people that collabora...
Social media is a good way to spread the word, but first you need to make sure you're delivering solid content and that search engines see you as an authority. The majority of new traffic to a site comes from Google and Bing. Sign up for Google Webmaster and from there you'll be able to see if yo...
Identify why freelancers would be willing to join a paid community when there are so many free communities already available to them. In order to get people to join and stay they must know what value you can bring that they can't get elsewhere without paying. It is difficult to keep people act...
The best way to build an engaging audience is to lead with value. You want to provide others with more value by sharing relevant content and information. A great way to do this is through social media platforms such as Facebook. Going live is a great way to connect with your audience and give val...
Yes. Community managers are usually fairly modest, without egos. But that said, everyone wants to feel appreciated from time to time....receiving credit for work done is one aspect of that. I think it's a matter or "credit, in moderation"
To much to write here, but I'll try to name few: - NAME - easy to remember, good domain, suggestive accordingly with your intentions. - UI/UX - to be attractive and same time simple but functional, adaptive and responsive to user's needs. - CLARITY - in this way the users to understood in few cli...
I make a point of introducing myself to people online who are unlikely to become clients. You for instance. That's not altruism. It's curiosity. Learning about other people's business models, industries, unique challenges and goals -- even absorbing their phrases, vocabulary, and style -- prep...
Right now there are a ton of educational sites, but I think the way to build an engaging community for kids online is to add relevant content, blog posts and games, tons of games which parents can print.
When I built my first company, I targeted a niche and was able to corner it. Is attribute the success of the company to a few key factors: helpfulness, consistently excellent service, and high relevance. The best way to get the support of a niche is to be truly useful to that niche. Where do t...