1) First, selling something doesn't always have to be through testimonials or referrals. If your product -here commercial office space - makes sense, then, people will be interested. When I started my marketing agency, the first client I acquired was a big LED supplier in China and I did it by: a...
Checked your website; very very cool. I used to have an advertising agency, responsible for sales & client strategy. I'll cannibalize an answer I gave on Quora for this one: About getting clients, do: - charity work - hackathons and Startupweekends and such - design competitions - direct work...
It depends in which kind of marketing you are interested in. How u win ur costomer currently?
A 7 day retention rate may not be the right cycle by which to measure, depending on the natural usage patterns of your users. And besides which, this is probably not the one metric that matters to you, right now. For example, are the core social components working well but there's little eviden...
Disclaimer: I haven't checked out your site. Response is based off what you wrote. To start thumbtack is a free service to customers providing gigs. Contractors must pay to place bids. Clarity is free for consultants/experts and customers pay. There are issues with both: TT: Because is f...
May I ask how niche the directory website is? With selling anything at all, it's about uncovering the need for the exact target market. So are you clear about what the value is to the client? What expensive problem are you solving for them that isn't already covered by local directory listings? ...
1. Organic traffic (lots of quality content + links to your websites - preferably on the right keywords). 2. Partnerships/affiliate programs - you partner with other service providers that offer services that complete yours: they send traffic your way and you send traffic their way. Affiliate p...
Cost of customer acquisition will depend a lot on what type of course you're looking to sell and your target audience. No one will be able to give you a straight up answer here. If you're able to provide more details, I could give some more nuanced advice :)
I've watched different companies struggle with customer acquisition, and I myself struggled with it. I doesn't matter if its a physical product, a service or an app. Attention costs a lot of money, usually more than we can afford. Paid acquisition should never be your main driver of new users, ...
What an interesting concept (and I'm being polite with the word "interesting'). Your customers, who pay for your service, should do the leg work to be your cheerleaders for your business so that you can lock in your Biggest customer (the end business buyer)? There is absolutely no reason your ...