
Results for: Digital Marketing

It depends on their business model. I have experienced some apps a) just add on user base so that they can monetize the app as an asset . So they do not charge anything for the app or within the app b) Some use advertisements within the app


In your landing you tell the problem(s) your app solves. Make them feel the pain and tell them that signing up will heal it. So don't talk about "our app does this and that", but "do you have this problem? We have the solution"


Likely you won't like my thoughts about this. When I give talks about business bootstrapping, I suggest people only work ideas which meet my "Sunset Rule". Sunset Rule - You should be able to go from idea to first sale, before sunset, or best consider other ideas. This also relates to your MVP...


Email is likely a poor choice for this. Reminds me of the guy who goes to a bar + tries to hook of with strangers. To many steps missed between initial meeting + hoping into the sack. Repeat/Persistent business builds on relationships. Rather than email, go speak at local events. When you're c...


No. The only way this could work is by outsourcing the people to other companies. But this would change the business you're in and you might as well just outsource the department to a company who does this already. If recommend reading a book called "The Goal" - it explains things better than me.


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