
Results for: E-commerce

It's very important. (first, read this article by Josh Breinlinger - The way you achieve success in a marketplace is by driving liquidity for both your supply & demand. Demand-side Liquidity = When users ...


1. Boise Cleaning Fairy, we sell residential & move out cleans. 2. We had no brand, no clients, no cleaning experience. 3. We wanted more customers. To do this we focused on review platforms that had very little competition. The top Yelp cleaner only had 7 reviews, the top Thumbtack cleaner on...


Probably not. Most carousels these days are javascript-driven. Therefore the source code for those products exists on the page (and is therefore easily viewed by Google et al). The javascript moves items around the *screen* but it does not modify the *source.* And it's the source code that matte...


Hi, I specialise in eCommerce strategy and marketing, helping eCommerce people make better decisions, and run more efficiently and effectively. The short answer is 'no'. Your target market isn't "subscription buyers" it's "cigar lovers". So unless there's a lot of subscription programs targeting ...


If you're in marketing, a great way to attract people to your website is through blogs writing. There are so many topics you can write about. Teach people something and they will come vack for more. The important thing when writing a blog is not selling your product. You have to write something u...


We work with one of the big cruise sites in the UK and it's all about making the site deserve to rank higher by continually improving the site via design & content. Google wants to rank popular sites so you need to (as Simon points out) figure out ways of getting influential sites to talk about y...


This is my kind of question! First off, let me tell you that you have a very well built website and the content and context is very good (I speak Spanish) My name is Humberto Valle, MBA Competitive Strategist - I'm an experienced web developer, programmer, and inbound growth strategist and have ...


How you handle customer service can have a major factor on how delighted customers are after the transaction. Even more important it can drastically impact your initial conversion rate. Buyers often look for "trust items" like a phone number, email or even a physical address prior to purchasing....


It depends by your company size and structure, but i think a CEO of a small company must understand what is pertinent to strategic decisions for his company. If you are thinking of changing the way you sell, it is better you understand why, which are the cost involved, benchmark your competition ...


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