As a starting point, look up the product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Most consumer products that come from reputable manufacturers will have a SDS that includes a transportation hazard classification for the product. This classification provides a four-digit ID number, a proper shipping name, the ...
If its for sales through Amazon (or even elsewhere) is one of the best out there. They can handle importing, preparation (repackaging, barcoding, etc.) and then final shipment. Plus, they know the special requirements of Amazon and other third party marketplaces.
Talk with the folks at about your situation. Likely they'll be able to provide a simple + cheap way to handle this. And... overseas shipping is always expensive, so depending on your product, profit margins may not allow selling through overseas Amazon organizations.
Try the guys at they have made a good niche business providing the services you seem to be needing. Best of luck, learn from them and keep asking questions ;)
My husband has a dealer. No, it is not needed.
What price points are you looking for? Do you want drop ship with allowance of white labeling a product? Does it need to be direct link e-commerce or will you personally fulfill each drop ship order? I have a client that sells watches through amazon, get in touch with me and I'll see how I can he...
If you'd like a Forbes-listed, Marketer of the Year as your mentor... feel free to set up a 10 minute call with me. If you look at my reviews and do some research on me, you'll quickly see why, if you want an empire, you should get my advice. My average client grows by approximately 1,400%. That...
I would talk to the team at Really helpful guys and they can get you an IC prototype for $100 - $10,000 They've built a lot of the smartphone IC's you see in mobile products today. If you're dealing with FCC part 15, give me a shout and I can help you navigate a bit.
It largely depends on the cost to manufacture and the number of items you are selling. The more items you are selling every month the more profitable it would be to have production in the US. If you are only selling a few items, it may be worthwhile to keep producing them overseas, but look for a...