Hi, For a business that does not yet exist you would have to put a projection in your business plan. Then put what tool you would use to create the traction that will generate the sales. A traction is therefore what you will or are using to create the traffic to your product. How well are your cl...
There are few online tools which allows you to analyze competitor ad space. I would suggest 2 tools SEMrush.com and Adgooroo.com.Both tools will provide very specific information about their organic search, paid search, backlinks, display advertising, top keywords, and main competitors. There a...
They may have patents on certain algorithms they use to sort / present jobs to people, but it's unlikely that anyone has a patent on the general idea of a career portal. If you'd like advice on how to do an effective patent search, or how to affordably file your own patents in the US I'm happy to...
I've been in your shoes. Here's how Clarity has helped me: 1. I meet new people on Clarity who call me, sometimes more than once, then migrate over to my other programs or buy online courses or products. 2. I promote my Clarity page to my existing tribe. What I find is that some people like to ...
I have a three year old and a six year old now, and a company that's only seven years old. I thought long and hard about what it took to be an entrepreneur of a new company along with a dad and I've definitely learned my lesson(s) over the years. My biggest tips would be to make your workflow an...
I've spent a lot of time in the telephony, call center, crm space and built a lot of applications that involve incoming phone calls and sms. I don't know of a product that works exactly as you specified but I have constructed things that did part of that for conferences and audience feedback. Y...
I agree with Joseph: an objective assessment from a professional will provide the balanced insight you're looking for. You can accomplish that very inexpensively with a Clarity call ... or a couple of calls to different experts. Here are some of the things we'd want to know (and which you can as...
To answer this question you'll need to know the lifetime value of an affiliate that joins your program. Once you calculate the value then you'll be able to determine what you can afford to pay. I would also look at qualifying what constitutes a valid referral to your affiliate program. The lifet...
Great Question! I see you are not looking to spend too much money on this so my recommendation would be to use free tools that will only cost you the time you take to set them up yourselves. 1. Accommodating contacts (engaged vs not engaged, segmenting, custom fields and flexible reporting). Fo...
The first and most important thing is to figure out where your customers are. I saw a question not too long ago that said they wanted to market to "middle aged women who are into fashion". Then you should spend all of your time on Pintrest! I've taught a lot of wedding professionals how to s...