I think we are only in trouble is we do not ride the tech bubble for what it is worth and presents. The tech bubble success comes and goes. It blows up and then grows again. I believe there is no other cause than true internet marketing and social media. If people engage others in their social ...
Banking Relationships - For this amount of money in emerging economies, a bank loan (or other form of debt) is your best option. There may be some private equity funds with an eastern european outlook. I may also be able to connect you to some investors, send me a message to tell me more.
As an angel, what I look for is founder/market fit. Does this entrepreneur have a fire in their belly to solve a problem and a really unique and inspired look at the market they are attacking? The motivation to angel-invest for me as an active entrepreneur is to build a strong network of fou...
I've been investing since I was 10 years old. I opened accounts at the top ten most popular brokerages in search of the very best custodian for my IRAs. The best brokerage for IRAs is Fidelity. Fidelity is a world-class financial institution. Unlike Robinhood, Fidelity doesn't sacrifice functio...
There are a lot of options here, but I think you may have already found the best option which is setting up a holding company to own separate subsidiaries. It's not uncommon for a holding company to create a conglomerate which owns many different businesses across multiple industries, even busin...
Hi! It seems like you're early on in regards to developing your idea still. (Not saying you haven't thought of it for a while) It appears that the idea might still need more refining. The hardest and most valuable things an entrepreneur can do early on is simplify the business and idea as much as...
Try the telephone test. Every time someone in your family or someone else at the company calls you, answer the phone with the name. How does that feel to you? Does the person at the other end understand exactly what you just said? Try the cocktail party test - imagine you're at a football game o...
Study about your bussiness modeling in terms of 1)automated company level 5 (fully automated) 2) sizes and roles of the company directors and members of council and other company department but the major issued your need to considered this cases a) companies sizes ,professional policies and the...
This is hard to answer without knowing the size of company you are targeting...
In normal cases each subcontracting partner is self responsible for its accounting. Depending on the country you are and kind of business you running, you need to find out what possibilities are possible. For sure there are services you can use, check out payroll.intuit.com for example. There the...