
Results for: Financing

Hi: Good job tackling this important exercise. There are many entrepreneurs who shy away from it. That said, if you're in the US, check out SCORE ( The organization has chapters around the country or you can connect virtually. This is the perfect type of project for their ...


If you're looking to build a service like Xero that imports users bank transactions and balances, you've got a few options. Xero uses Yodlee on the back end to power their bank feeds. As I understand it, it's rather old school and often errors out, but supports a huge range of banks through scr...


The items that you're talking about in this situation would be immaterial in my opinion. Before you even get to the technicalities of accounting properly for something like this, do you really want to start a new business where your first transactions on your financial statements are transferrin...


There are three angles to look at this structure from: 1) Is it the best way to set things up to hold your investment from a legal perspective? 2) Is the it the best way to minimize your taxes? and 3) Is the best way to set things up from an accounting (i.e. bookkeeping) perspective? In your q...


First make sure you are vetting your advisor as much as he/she is vetting you. I would have a personal conversation with other teams that the advisor has worked with in the past. Get to a level of granularity on what worked and what did not. You don't disclose terms here which I appreciate b...


Hello, I am not too sure on the US postal services. But 1 option could be to find a fulfilment partner in the regions you are looking to target and ship a box of your best selling lines (via recognised carrier) and then when the sales come in fulfill locally. For example in the UK, the package ...


Based on the fact pattern you provided, it sounds like the entity would be classified as an investment club, so there are no licensing requirements, nor is the entity regulated by the SEC. If all of the LLC members are actively participating in the investment decisions, and you do not accept cap...


Your question is very thin on details. You will have a greater success of experts answering if you share a bit more about what you're looking to learn.


Still gather cash flow generating assets for your mom business; such as mortgages, bonds, and other types of debt/s and repackage them into discrete classes based on the level of credit risk assumed by you as an investor. Then you can help your mom get her business publicly trade.


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