The reality is "reputable" growth hackers - aren't sitting around on freelance sites waiting for you to hire them. If they are good, they are either (very) gainfully employed at a reputable company making very good salaries or more likely using our super powers to create multimillion dollar compa...
There are a number of blog writing / content creation & management resources: Zery's, ion, Ceros, Kapost, for example. However, your best bet is to handle this process in-house on behalf of your clients. Use LinkedIn to connect with freelance writers. Your best results will come when you can par...
I have worked with some success on I would suggest to lower the budget but pay them in time right after they send you the project and you have properly tested it.
The easiest way would probably be to join a recruiter clack group (e.g. and reach out to people there. You could also do a search on LinkedIn for: 'recruiter', and if you have a particular geographic area you want to focus on ju...
We're very lucky today to live in the "global village" we do. I can't imagine how hard it would have been for a young entrepreneur to find the right people before the world was so connected. Then again, I suppose that explains how so many entrepreneurs are popping up all the time today. Being ...
Definitely don't just look locally. There is a much, much larger global market. When you recruit, pay at least 3 people to do a trial task. Give them a fixed amount of time (eg 3 hours) and compare the results. Don't let people who interview well confuse you between people who produce great work.
I've done both of these when I was fishing for SaaS business opportunities. To narrow down the niche market, identify the key departments, type of problem, and industry verticals of target companies. The users of your solution would benefit either from $$$ or productivity point of view. Then to...
You could start with LinkedIn (Profiles and Groups). Search for Marketing Executives and join the relevant groups. For example, this group
If you'd like a Forbes-listed, Marketer of the Year as your mentor... feel free to set up a 10 minute call with me. If you look at my reviews and do some research on me, you'll quickly see why, if you want an empire, you should get my advice. My average client grows by approximately 1,400%. That...
I think the premise of your question is wrong. The best way to recruit experts that are most likely to be helpful is not by building a Board of Directors. Being on a board has a tremendous set of responsibilities that most people aren't prepared to take-on initially. Furthermore, most early-...