
Results for: Git

I would say this from my personal experience. First right to popularise your domain name. Here are the top 12 tips they've shared that you have to consider when fundraising for your social enterprise. 1. DON’T ACCEPT EVERY CHECK YOU’RE OFFERED. When you’re running a cash-strapped business, it ca...


I would recommend setting up a profile on elance or and look at doing freelance work. Pick something specific that you are good at (e.g. Windows PC maintenance or Network Administration) and focus only on that for your profile. Set your rate low compared to similar people with t...


You can still do business in CA regardless of where you incorporate. You'll still need to pay taxes in CA, but the benefit Nevada provides (like Delaware) is pro-employer legal language and well defined laws. The other benefit is if you take financing later from an investor, they will appreciate ...


Hi, the best way to start anything is to start. With clickfunnels apply to them directly. When you apply be specific on your target location, age of the target audience and generally make everything clear so that it will be easy for you to get results. Good luck


You have a great start but first I would suggest places where you failed to build your portfolio, your problem is that people do not trust you and are not interested in products or services. i guess you are a younger person who wants to break into the market. Here are some tips for you personally...


I am not an attorney and this is not "professional advice." Consult a lawyer. If you get involved with a partnership ever again, get an operating agreement in place and TALK ABOUT SEPARATING at the beginning. Get it figured out immediately. Be up front with it: "We should talk about what happen...


Lower your expenditures: 1) Move back in with your parents. If that's not an option move into a small place with a bunch of roommates. If that still isn't affordable, move into a tent in the woods, or to a 'cheap' foreign country (Thailand is popular, but there are many other places that could w...


Hi there, That's quite a loaded question, and so I would have a few questions to clarify more. How big are your potential clients? e.g. 0-100, 100-250, 250-1000, 1000+? Do you have any early successes/clients? Are you looking for a low (automated) or high touch sales approach? Be happy to ch...


If you want to start building your own Yelp like directory for a particular city and industry but you are on a tight budget with limited tech skills I would definitely suggest WordPress. But it can be tricky as WordPress has several different options and you can get easily lost and even it coul...


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