Hello, I wholesale part time. I have sold multiple products to a variety of different stores. My goal was to never get into a huge department store, it was to provide small mom and pop shops with products that would sell. Steps I took to sell multiple items: 1. Establish a contact person 2. P...
Investors do not fund ideas. You must prove significant market interest in a product. Statistics that highlight potential don't translate into your product's revenue. Investors want to see how they will get a return on their investment. As for a business plan, be mindful that this is an investmen...
Why are you adamant about press releases? They are by far the worst conversion rates {unless you're a household name like the post or fool} for businesses. For our evens we do sometimes send out PRs but locally only and to those writers we know. Which is key. Also making it easy for them to p...
As you've proposed, if you're willing to give that person a C-Title or equity it's probably doable. However, an investor could perceive your reluctance to pitch as (a) an inability to sell or (b) a lack of passion, or (c) a lack of ability to push through in areas where you're not comfortable. ...
I'm actually in the middle of doing this exact same thing, ie, converting my in-person brand workshop into online modules. I would be happy to have an informational call and I can share what I've done so far about converting the workshop into modules and lessons with worksheets. If interested, me...
Send me the web link and I will take a quick look. Best of Luck, Mike From the Trenches to the Towers Marketing
The patent process can be fairly expensive (depending on the product and your claims). I went through it over the course of several years (yes, you read that correctly) and it took MUCH longer than anyone projected and cost MUCH more as well. So depending upon your financial situation it might...
This is a great question. I have worked with many people in this industry such as virtual assistances and gig workers. I suggest vetting the prospects and making sure they are able to complete the task at hand. Always check references as well as prior jobs that they have done in the past. Id woul...
Where possible, I recommend getting it to work in a specific region. I.e. If this was Uber, I'd focus on London or a specific city to work on. If this was a cleaning service - I'd focus on a particular area where possible. The stages of a successful business don't differ - your product market fi...
Why not try Freelancer.com or Elance, one of those type of sites. Surely you can find someone skilled, with past experince easily viewable, looking for something a little more "ongoing". Best of luck with it!