While you've created a good amount of content on your Kickstarter campaign, your website is lacking severely in it. With that in mind, when it comes to your website I'd propose focusing on these two main goals: 1) Increase lead generation through your website. 2) Engage more with your current (...
Yes, when you file your taxes you write off your investments as a loss. You wont be be taxed unless your business turns a profit.
Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the co-founder of www.Unthink.me, growth hacking and digital marketing service. I can go over all the different tactics and strategies that you can implement but there is a book by a fellow growth hack marketer, Ryan Holiday, in this book he talks about how h...
The best way is to lean how to ask great questions and to physically spend time with your users watching them work. I don't have all the killer questions, but my favourite to help understand product roadmap opportunities is "What do you do 3 minutes before, and after you use our product?". That...
NASA is famous for writing the most bug-free code in the history of programming. They do it by being fanatics about test-driven development. They write tests for tests. If you want to have a rock solid app, you have to put everything else aside and focus only on quality. Every time a new build go...
The art of the "cold pitch" is definitely something that needs to be worked on, and doesn't come naturally to everyone. A couple of quick tips: 1. 4 is not a big enough target group, you've got to cast a bigger net. Try pitching 20, and aim to get 3-5 responses. 2. When sending a cold email, ...
Does it need to be in metal for a prototype? If not, do a 3d printed model and, if needed, wrap it in metal sheet/foil. There is no cheap way to do a production quality prototype.
It sounds like you have a wound care physical product? Is that correct? Who will b the end user? Nurses in home health? Hospital nurses and general and trauma surgeons? Who buys products for these end users? Cmo of large health systems? Ultimately, you may need to consider cardinal health, M...
Social Proof (customer testimonials), Press or Analyst Coverage is a key driver in checking-out new tools. Unfortunately, there is such a significant number of vendors offering recruiting solutions that it's difficult to get a customer's attention, even with a free offering. I would focus on you...
_Can_ you? Sure, but it's probably not the most effective way. What you're describing is "content marketing," and it's usually very good at improving the middle and bottom of the funnel. Meaning, when someone already knows about your site, your content marketing can help convert them to a trialer...