
Results for: Git

Having worked in this area, both as a client and as a consultant, customer understanding is a key to differentiating yourself from your competition. First a personal belief: surveys are the worst tool to uncover any insights. They are best used to quantify how many do X. There are a couple of wa...


If you're willing to pay 25 cents per person, you can try Amazon's Mechanical Turk: Here's an article about its successful use for surveys:


If the LLC continues to be a disregarded entity, and you as the sole owner continue to be a nonresident alien for U.S. tax purposes, then you won't be able to get a U.S. tax residency certificate. If you file an election for the LLC to be taxed as a C corporation, then the LLC will be a regarde...


Here are some ways to get more customers: 1. Start by reaching out to your friends who own businesses and ask to doncome consulting work for them in exchange for case studies. You need to show credibility to give people a reason to trust you and work with you. 2. Create content. Either document...


This is a little hard to answer because it is so vague. It depends on the area, the market and the strength of innovation. I know that The App Guy has a terrific podcast at and is also trying to organize a community for App developers to sell their ideas. Let me know if I...


You need someone with hardware prototyping skills. You can either get an unpaid cofounder, or pay someone to do it (and worry about getting a hardware cofounder later). For either of those options, you'll need someone local. Look in local hackerspaces (


Hi there, I know this can be a frustrating problem.. I've been on Clarity since 2012 when its creator, Dan Martell, invited me and several others to the launch event and asked us to sign up as experts. For the first few years, I had hardly any calls. Also, it seemed like only those in the IT sta...


Here are two possible avenues: (a) ExitRound (b) Listing profiles as team of developers available for hire together on DeveloperAuction


The best way is to begin with friends and colleagues, and then LinkedIn will suggest hundreds of people who you probably know or know of. LinkedIn is a place for people to interact, so don’t be afraid of shooting someone more experienced than you a message for some advice. It might help you more ...


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