
Results for: Growth

You'll need to get much more specific. WHO is the audience? WHY would they want these "gadgets"? What problems are you solving, for what audience, that they will pay you to fix? Do you know what size problem warrants your involvement? Honestly, your question is so vague right now it can't cl...


Search for the term... Meetup Group Construction Kit which explains how to abuse for pleasure + profit.


Anyone who calls themselves something fancy like that is probably one of the 99% in the industry that have no idea what they are doing and will make you hemorrhage money. Find a MARKETER with a proven track record and use them to build an empire. If you don't want an empire and, instead, want to...


Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm a marketing strategist for The term “growth hacking” is now being widely used to describe startup marketing, but its meaning has changed since Sean Ellis originally coined the term in his 2010 blog post. You have a very good question here! In...


Hi There, I'd be happy to help walk through the growth process with you directly, but I should be clear that there isn't a "one-size-fits-all-solution". You can't simply "growth hack" anything. But you can quickly find strategies to reach customers, and if you have a product that people want y...


"Growth Hacking" relates to identifying highly efficient ways of growing business. Where efficient, to me, tends to by $0 methods, as these scale forever. If you can create a $0 based system to grow your revenues, you can plow huge chunks of cash for even faster profit increases. I tend to u...


Andrew Chen's blog is probably the most relied source when it comes to learning about metrics like CAC and LTV. For real life case studies, follow Nathan Latka's podcast to know what each of these mean for different startups in different industries. Growth Hacking is ever evolving and hence what ...


I love this! So I am a marketer by trade, web developer and MBA. I don't know about getting users being the main issue. Consider things such as your target market, often times businesses i work with strive and invest in one group to only reach marginal success, then after some evaluation and pi...


Hi there, I'm going to assume based on numbers and that you can't pay a salary to yourself at $165k in revenue that you're working with an ecommerce business or some type of business that has a hard cost to what you're selling. You have a good growth rate so far. But let's shift focus towards g...


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