
Results for: Hotels

Good question. I wouldn't be worried about litigation. Your (normal) worst case might be penalties from the OTA, a difficult ongoing relationship with their Market Manager and perhaps listing removals. All independents can find ways to reward their most loyal clientele, without market visibility....


It really depends on what specific topic you're interested in. There are specific websites, distribution lists and blogs for many topics and nice sub-topics. There's even paid reports on 'insider' information. We'd suggest our blog for hotel tutorials ( Also, check out...


My family is in the hotel business. I can tell that we would have absolutely no interest in doing this. We make sure out employees look after our property and provide great customer service. We do not have down time for them. We run a tight ship. The liability and other headaches that come with...


Communicate with a range of different people and get them to try it out for free and leave reviews. That would get you off to a good start and they can also tell you some negative things that you may be able to fix.


I think a better question would be to understand why people are cancelling after making a booking? Are you catering to business travelers whose schedules may change? (no amount of cuddling will save all sales) Are you catering to vacationers who might find better deals elsewhere? (appeal to th...


Hi Sounds like you've done a good job so far ("consistent users and daily downloads"). Well done. You're welcome to message me with more details and I'll let you know if I can help. Good luck


That's a much more complicated question than it appears to be, as there are multiple sources which will get you some of the inventory, but nothing which will get you all of the inventory. If you look at an OTA, they are pulling from typical sources like SABRE or Amadeus, but also from what is in ...


Commercial real estate is completely different animal than residential. is a popular site where you can review commercial deals. Outside of that you need to find pocket listings and build relationships with brokers and Realtors that list commercial properties. You can also go to http://w...


Sir i can help you to make video of your hotel . I will share youtube link it a sample work . please go through it


I don't think the service you are envisioning is a new concept, but it might not exist at scale as a packaged Saas product. If you have not encountered it yet and you are actively looking for it, it could mean that it either does not exist yet or there is a big opportunity to become that authorit...


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