You may engage an Investment Banker to help you. That will be the best option as he/she will have his/her pre-existing connections.
What of the following things does your startup have? > Founders who have graduated from prestigious universities / previously exited companies to known acquirers / worked for a known companies (with known being a brand-name company such as Google, Amazon, Facebook etc) > Three or more months of ...
As Ken suggested, there is a wide breadth of mobile offerings and although there are some great "mobile only" funds, each investor / fund has their own thesis that makes them interested in some but disinterested in others. Also, if your revenue generating, you should seriously consider bootstrap...
As I have seen similar cases a lot of time, in most cases it means that he is not interested anymore, or at least, no so enthusiastic about it as you want him to be. So instead of trying to find new ways to him. just move on. You can keep in touch with his reps once every two weeks, but check oth...
You’re asking some great questions, and beyond the fact that there is no teacher as great as experience, it seems tragic how common this experience is, and making great investments is hard even for seasoned professionals. But it’s incredible how often the only two factors used to assess an invest...
One of my clients received $500k funding ONE week after we did our pitch coaching session. What they learned from our session is to be 100% focused and not to follow the "scatter gun approach" that they had for the 9 previous months. If you're looking to fund a startup, or even an existing busi...
This has been discussed many times before and rather than repeating a lot of those things here, I will direct you to one of the best resources on this topic. Clarity CEO Dan Martel recently released a video "Raising Capital Like a Pro" that covers most things you need to know about fund raising....
There are many different kinds of investment that you might be looking for. I am afraid you will need to provide further details about your startup's niche, your investment goals, etc. before recommending any particular path. There are angel investors, there are VCs, etc. and also incubators / ac...
First of all BE VERY CAREFUL about exiting investors while bringing new ones on. You cannot give investors money back out of proceeds raised from new investors. It's illegal (called Ponzi). This is a VERY tough scenario since you are dealing with two substantial issues - 1) building (or rebuild...
Thank you for asking your question here on Clarity. The healthy discussion will also benefit many members of the community. The first company that I built and successfully sold, a BBS turned ISP (aka "Internet Service Provider", more here:, was indeed a "rad...