I'd go through an inicial test phase using programmatic media buying to identify a few insights first. With that, I would probably target the most efficient channels and set up an inbound strategy to capture leads. I would also try Google AdWords, but I can see that being costly. Facebook intere...
It's not unusual at all. If you do outsource, try and make sure you have a project lead that you can trust. Once revenues get up to a certain point they might want to see the project through and come on board full time OR they will have enough pride in their work to make sure a proper transition ...
Many open-source forum software are available (that are easy to use). You can try starting with bbpress (https://bbpress.org/), wordpress. Hope this helps. Thank you, GK http://gk.palem.in/
If your product relies heavily on a successful growth-loop through social sharing, you simply *must* run the social component "live in the stream." The value of the data you will collect far outweighs any concerns over someone guessing what you're doing by the social shares. See my answer about...
Getting customer to prepay is difficult if a) you don't give them a reason, b) you ask the wrong type of customer. ** Assuming you're doing this for customer development, not just to build revenues *** Giving them a reason: I usually say "we have an early adopter program, and we're only signing...
You seem to have a broad market focus. Narrow down your initial most suceptible group & early adopters. Once you have a target market, you can develop a series of objectives measures in days and social platforms for your 1 or 2 initial target markets. Once you have a series of objectives(goals) y...
An automated system could easily accomplish this. Human call centers would be slow and costly for something like this, if I understand correctly. I can think of a way of testing this idea without building any technology. You can setup a toll free number with extensions for each driver's cell pho...
The only way that I can think of is to get a legal adviser on the management/board team and give them an equity stake in the company. Long-term, it's likely to cost you more in real terms though.
I work with a lot of startups as an advisor or thru 500S. Figure out what the biggest value offering for your idea is, create the simplest product that only achieves that big value and nothing else (if this means you don't write code, then great). Get out into the real world and start actually ch...
Speak at Co-Work offices + Tech Meetups + Tech Conferences. Give 100 talks (easier than you think) + monitor your App usages every 10 talks. If people flock to your App, then just keep giving talks. If they don't, then either your App requires retooling or your messaging/explanation requires r...