I would be delighted to speak with you as co founder and angel investor for M&A firm Amieva Mack Capital in London these are exactly the types of opportunities we partner with and I personally would be very interested to speak with you. I can guarantee you that the value I could add to what you h...
This is a tuff one! As an entrepreneur, you will never be truly happy working for someone else. Not to say there is anything wrong with working for another company, it is just that entrepreneurs have a drive to innovate the process and shake up the market that just does not jive well with working...
Hi There. Great question. Learning through doing is ALWAYS going to be a better option. If you have a business or product concept or idea, go for it! Don’t wait. Experience is going to be a great teacher. Also, you can prepare WHILE you execute your business idea. Check out Business Model Canvas...
Have an interview plan. What is the purpose of the interview? Don't be wishy-washy. Your two questions today could have used a lot more detail. I do many of these (and am an expert guest) on my blog at http://www.salestactics.org. Here's an example of several: http://www.salestactics.org/sales-e...
Does it pass the "smell test"? Does the information make sense? Does it seem logical? Did you try it? Call me skeptical, but when I see folks selling the "proven blueprint to making millions in your sleep", I keep walking. If I had the secret money-making formula to make everyone in the world r...
Here are some of the ways you can do this: Start a blog on the topic of growing a business. Make a YouTube channel and record yourself talking, write an ebook (Free or paid), be active on the social media (especially LinkedIn and Twitter), guest blog post for websites that are worth it.
Hi, this is Ann, a business coach for small entrepreneurs. Your situation is no longer related to "small business". Instead, you are in the phase of "extension". Hence, I would recommend you contact some outstanding performance coaches. Again, OUTSTANDING performance coaches! If you expect to be...
It's really ill-advised to solicit your vision from anyone. In my 20 years of building, investing and supporting tech companies, I don't know of a single success story that has it's origins in someone with your approach. Running a tech startup is incredibly hard. It demands sacrifices few are ...