
Results for: Interviews

From an HR professional perspective I’d want you to have several examples to help me see how you dealt with change, financial constraint, department conflict. You know those behavioural questions everyone hates? Here is how to prepare. Recall several complex situations that may cover several que...


Good question. I can relate. Some of my interviews gave me a tough time especially if they were big companies. You can check out these steps, they will definitely help: - Learn as much as you can about the company - Know more about the job description - Practice interview questions - Ask the inte...


Have an interview plan. What is the purpose of the interview? Don't be wishy-washy. Your two questions today could have used a lot more detail. I do many of these (and am an expert guest) on my blog at Here's an example of several:


The struggle is REAL! MDs used to get paid by Pharma labs to get their attention (real life exemple: $30-80 just to fill a tiny online form). To my experience (consulting & entrepreneurship in healthcare/medtech), I would say that most MDs do not like emails, social media or cold calls. The best ...


Most podcasts like you're describing start by using the audiences of their guests. This makes it tricky, because you're effectively asking someone to come on your show to leverage their audience for your growth. That's still a value proposition for the guest, however, because it's back links, e...


Digital Guruji offers people from all walks of life, from student to professional to come forward and to share their stories of hardships and success with the world and inspire other individuals. We at are interested in sharing your story. With numerous engagements and high re...


Ask them! If you don't have any similar interviews yet, get some done in a niche close to this one. Credibility is important, and if you show you've done some and they listen to just part of one interview, that can be what pushes them over the edge. Everyone likes to talk about themselves. So do...


You could start with LinkedIn (Profiles and Groups). Search for Marketing Executives and join the relevant groups. For example, this group


Here's a trick you can use. For tech people, search GitHub for people producing code using the tools you require. For COO people, review videos of people giving talks at industry conferences + tradeshows related to skills you require. For CMO look at + conference videos for people...


If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about information interviews. That is the term. People are cooperative and like to show off what they know (I'm doing it right now!). So let them. This isn't hard. Nearly everyone you call will be open to at least talking with you on the p...


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