Hi, I'm happy to try and assist. Send me more details about the type of help you're looking for, about the app, the target market + the current status of the app/business, and I'll be happy to try and help. If I can give you some free advice by email I'll be happy to do so. If you'll need more ...
This is a loaded question! Depending on what you do of course the answer will vary. Im the founder and CEO of a Robinhood marketing agency, dubbed www.Unthink.me - We bring big business marketing tools and strategies with small, growing companies. My schedule is very different than that of a CE...
As the host of 'The App Guy Podcast', I can introduce you to a few good developers ranging from inexpensive locations to $100 per hour top rates. As a quick guess, this type of app will start from $900 using a cross platform solution (Like Titanium Studio) to $5000 for Objective-C apps written on...
You can use WordPress as a REST API, which allows you to read/write data from WP in JSON format. However, this won't be as performant as other database solutions, so you may want to consider alternatives unless there's a strong business reason to use WordPress. I've built apps without WordPre...
In this order: 1. Track record 2. identification with your app 3. Personal fit with you 4. Location 5. Costs
Sure, it's correlative for technical reasons, iTunes / AppStore does not provide (yet, might change) a mechanism for that, so 3rd parties have to build their own. I recently discussed with people from Adjust and I was really impressed. HasOffers / MobileAppTracking seems to be a good choice as well.
The quickest way is to hire a private teacher to work with you hands-on. That's also a little spendy. If you're good at self-motivation, there are thousands of tutorials on various app-building techniques that you can walk through. They exist as articles, videos, interactive projects — there ar...
Great at the age of 22. Your concepts is really nice and extraordinary, it might you face a lot of compositors already but still you do your revolution your way. --------------------------- About value of startup. If your are calculating your startup >> Investment is the 1st part + Estimated yr...
It depends. Do you have a documented view of your prospective customer journey?. If not, this is a thing you should do You must have heard this before. Any product or service could be a vitamin (good to have), pain killer(temporary relief) or a pain reliever (long term relief). What kind of p...
A pre-launch raise is really hard but not impossible. I raised a seed round for a mobile app that hasn't launched but it was quite honestly incredibly difficult and I wouldn't recommend others trying it! I answered a question about when is best to raise under what circumstances here: https://...