
Results for: Money

This is an great question. Actually, I have working from home for almost an decade now. I do have some experience in working in the telemedicine world as well. Personally, I recommend you work for tele-medicine platforms such as Quality Nighthawk.This way, you have an great income while working f...


One way to do this is by selling products to your customers and upon sale, the customer will pay for the merchandise. Once the payment is processed, you can use this money to purchase your good and then you can ship it directly to the customer. That way, you will utilize the customers' money in...


It is tricky but not possible. Having been in your situation I can appreciate the challenge that lies ahead. Investors took for signals to create reassurance and trust, things that are generally tangible like an MVP, initial customers, the first proofs that customers are willing to pay and a pr...


I'm definitely not an attorney, but have worked with several (many dozens) startups who have gone through the seed, angel and venture funding processes. The first step to consider is whether you are financing your investment as debt or equity. If you're talking about interest, you could be refe...


Hi, my name is Kruno. I have one SaaS application from which you can sell your services. I have investigated a couple of years ago some pricing models and my conclusion was that the only thing that can get us more money is to scale our business (get more customers which will do microtransactions ...


Assuming, that you're able to effectively communicate to others why your project is a 'tremendous opportunity', then here are some options: - Look up local universities and email the chairperson of whichever programs relate to the type of cofounder you need (i.e. electrical engineering, marketi...


There's no set-in-stone formula. The answer depends on the degree to which implementing a revenue model would potentially cause a mass user exodus. A) If implementing a revenue model would obviously cause no problems, then investors might be ok with Camp 2. B) If a reasomable person might thin...


I founded one of the first independent app development studios just as App Store went live in 2008. In addition to building this successful indie studio, I've helped dozens of companies launch successful apps on App Store and Play Store. Congratulations! Ten thousand downloads a day is a great s...


You want to do something effectively... And spend no money doing it? That's not only impossible but it is the wrong way to think. It will cost you much more money in the long run. Marketing is an INVESTMENT. Not an expense. You are among for the best ROI, not the cheapest initial cost. The che...


This sounds as a deja vu to me. I have been in a similar situation back in 2000, we could only solve the issue thanks to a good mediator. However every situation is different and hence your route to a solution might be different. It also depends where you are in the world that defines how an emai...


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