There are 3 schools of thought about what to call a marketing agency. The first says be practical and call it something that relates to the product that you are selling. Good examples of this include "Ideo" and "Whatif!?" in the innovation space and "mindshare" in the media space. The second is c...
Make a list of every word that you feel is associated with what you do, or that invoke a feeling you want associated with your brand. Some of them can be things like "rocket" or "super". Make the list long and then just start stringing two of the phrases together to see which ones sound good. My ...
I love this question! Gets my creative mind flowing early morning. Here a few from top of my head: -Heart2Heart -Tete (tete a tete reflects a deep personal conversation between 2 people) -InterCo (for interaction & communcation) -InAccord (self explanatory) -tootalk -chatspot -lucidity (play o...
I'd recommend that you check out for names. Perhaps look at two-word .com names or even look at purchasing industry-specific names with newer domain extensions like or then offering these directly to builders etc
Hourly rate is the worst way to charge for your expertise. That's an employee mentality. Charge per project and charge for outcome. People don't care what the hourly rate, they want to know if I pay you X, you're going to deliver the Y results I am looking for.
If you're prepared to hire a professional, then I'd be happy to help locate or create a brand name for your service. However, it seems presumptuous to pick a title for a book I have neither written nor read. Since I don't know your project or your audience, should I really be urging you to live...
If you are going to lead the workshops: Start with personal branding. Workshops and coaching are by experts and I'd recommend building a personal brand first. People should build trust in you. Then your offerings. Each offering that you have - a workshop, a coaching program etc. - should have i...
Hi, I love naming and branding! Plug.Press would be great for it! Feel free to book a call to help you decide on variations or if you need any more assistance.
It is possible to replace the theme name with your company name within the source code - but why? Branding your company and creating engaging content will be far more beneficial than swapping out a theme name for your company.
I'm not a .COM purist. In fact I own quite a few .ME domains and have sold half a dozen of them or so. However, building a business or brand on a non-.COM extension like .ME requires some additional analysis. It's impossible to advise you on which name / domain to choose in the absence of the ...