
Results for: Naming

Choosing the right domain is what I do for a living. If you'd like to schedule a call, I'll give the matter some thought ahead of time. We should be able to figure things out by phone in 15 minutes or less.


Make a list of every word that you feel is associated with what you do, or that invoke a feeling you want associated with your brand. Some of them can be things like "rocket" or "super". Make the list long and then just start stringing two of the phrases together to see which ones sound good. My ...


There are 3 schools of thought about what to call a marketing agency. The first says be practical and call it something that relates to the product that you are selling. Good examples of this include "Ideo" and "Whatif!?" in the innovation space and "mindshare" in the media space. The second is c...


I love this question! Gets my creative mind flowing early morning. Here a few from top of my head: -Heart2Heart -Tete (tete a tete reflects a deep personal conversation between 2 people) -InterCo (for interaction & communcation) -InAccord (self explanatory) -tootalk -chatspot -lucidity (play o...


I like the name "Melissa" — but I wouldn't use a website URL like because it just doesn't feel "natural" — I would choose something that implies what Melissa means to us... For example: "Ask Melissa" or something like that. Good luck!


You're definitely going the wrong direction. That's my opinion. But I'm right, and here's why: Your domain strategy is hyper-extended. You've got 4 domains in .CO.UK – hopefully 8 counting .UK rights. That's all well and good for a British audience. But you deliver work online; so why not a...


If you are going to lead the workshops: Start with personal branding. Workshops and coaching are by experts and I'd recommend building a personal brand first. People should build trust in you. Then your offerings. Each offering that you have - a workshop, a coaching program etc. - should have i...


I lived in the US for 28 years before returning to Russia. My name is not easy for Americans to pronounce (anything outside of the Anglo-Saxon standard names seems to fit that category). Short version of Stanislov is Stas, so I went with that for them, but I never would change my name. Take pride...


Yes. That's called a "fictitious business name" or an "alias" or "doing business as (DBA)" depending on what state you are in. Should be a fairly easy filing option available from your Secretary of State. If you can't figure it out on your own any attorney could do that for you, although you shou...


Hourly rate is the worst way to charge for your expertise. That's an employee mentality. Charge per project and charge for outcome. People don't care what the hourly rate, they want to know if I pay you X, you're going to deliver the Y results I am looking for.


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