The best networking is slow-cooked, not microwaved. Find events where you can have some kind of regular presence. Got nothing to lose by going to one-time events as they're good practice for meeting people, but you won't really cultivate long-term professional relationships that way. It takes ...
You have to offer something different, and specialization is a great way to build mass. Friendster and MySpace were open to anyone from the start. It's harder to manage growth of a community in that way. Facebook, by restricting its use to college students first, then to graduates with alumni em...
Our product stalled for 4 years by getting this wrong and it wasn't until the founding CEO of Netflix showed me how to set proper KPIs that we finally started making gains on optimizing our product. Based on your interest in angel investors, I assume this is an early stage startup and most socia...
We have had good luck with both Survey Monkey and the survey tool built into Constant Contact
In my companies I define a team as my in house leadership (I refer to them in all group communications as the LT or Leadership Team). My Personal Network is the collection of contacts and connections that I use to develop my business (Either through mentorship, advice or social/business connect...
It depends on what you're looking to monetize it with. One recommendation is affiliate marketing, because it happens under the table, in a sense. For example, get the plugin provided at the bottom of this answer. Browse amazon for products particular to your audience. If you're running a Faceb...
I've loved from a viral / incoming traffic point of view, but you've got to be a broad contributor, ensuring that you post non-business content and interact on other's contributions. If you only self-promote, you'll quickly get banned from the "sub-reedits" you really want to post to. ...
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Provide more detail in your question. Specifically, your target goal. Likely having this information, someone can assist you.