These are tough questions. It may be possible to hire third party marketing companies that would be able to do some testing for you to give you the metrics, but most likely the best option would be to do the testing in house. I think that you would need to set up a few of these alternative sampli...
There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...
My preference every time is direct response marketing when selling B2B. Write things, with a compelling offer, send them to people. Start by building a database of SEO providers - they all have websites, and create a mailing list from this. Back up the direct mail campaign with awesome content ...
Social media, at times, could get tricky to understand. That's where you need an expert advisor to help you leverage social media, making most out of time and capital investment. Even tagged as social, no two social media platforms are same and likewise varies their usage for specific business ob...
This is interesting, but not interesting enough. Not yet. You need to work further on your branding. What KIND of promotion for artists & designers? How is what you do DIFFERENT from anything else? What do artists & designers GET from you that they don't get anywhere else? Your target market are...
Speakers, authors and coaches need what you have to offer. They all want to be seen as experts so you need to tell them how your product will do that for them. It's called building a platform and any speaker, author or coach will understand that language. There are two things to consider whe...
Hello, Congrats on launching your venture. First things first, what is your website about, and why should those different bloggers and journalists care? If you can answer this question (your elevator pitch), then you'll be off to a good start. Secondly, you'll need to determine to whom you ...
Look--there's risk EVERYWHERE. You've already pointed out the hazards of developing a marketing strategy dependent on a single platform. You've also noticed that you need to set your price to buffer against rising short and medium term costs. Startups should test and scale with whatever promot...
Great question, I have launched a few digital products and have helped others do the same. The steps can be as simple as: Setup a PayPal link and send it out to people or can involve complex applications. Without knowing the exact nature of the product or service in mind here are some general st...
You can do this organically + reaching target customers will be slow. You can do this by speaking to local college Marketing groups. Many engineering students attend these talks. Contact Marketing Deans at colleges to work out details. A better way is to either use Facebook Ads or Traffic Oxygen...