
Results for: Parenting

There are three angles to look at this structure from: 1) Is it the best way to set things up to hold your investment from a legal perspective? 2) Is the it the best way to minimize your taxes? and 3) Is the best way to set things up from an accounting (i.e. bookkeeping) perspective? In your q...


From my experience it's better to setup the IP company as a completely separate entity. There can then be a contractual relationship between the OP company and the IP company. This will assist in protecting the IP in the case of any legal action against the OP company. For instance, if the OP co...


Before you do any surveys, I'd strongly recommend talking to 5-7 prospective customers first - either in person or on a phone/video call. During that, I'd ask questions to learn what you're competing against - what other educational toys would they consider instead of yours? What would yours ne...


I have a three year old and a six year old now, and a company that's only seven years old. I thought long and hard about what it took to be an entrepreneur of a new company along with a dad and I've definitely learned my lesson(s) over the years. My biggest tips would be to make your workflow an...


Hello, What a great question. One of my favorite coaching topics is overcoming insecurities. It is a favorite because the results are exponentially rewarding! Not knowing the particulars limit my responses; therefore, broad-strokes answer is as follows: Fundamentally, the underlying cause of...


It's becoming more and more difficult for patent trolls to litigate with the current discussions in Congress. It really depends of your market. If it's involving software patents, it's even harder. At Nesting Partners my firm actually bring patents to life then to product then to market to exit!...


A provisional patent is good for two things. It is a date-stamped proof of invention and gives you time to determine whether to incur the cost of filing a full patent. Yes, so long as the individual component pieces you think are useful are sufficiently described in detail within the one genera...


First of all, what you have is a provisional patent **application**. For now, the provisional patent application is not publicly available. This can be a big advantage to you. You can use this time to improve your invention and file additional provisional applications. If you don't plan on making...


Spending $100,000 on patent discovery is excessive. We can an exhaustive study for $2000. However, an initial study can be done for as low as $250.


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